
Saturday 14 July 2012

Sexy Red

To me Red is a statement colour, it's sexy, it's fiery, it's bold, it's fierce. That's why if you want to stand out red is the colour to go for.... even if it is only on your nails. It's an eye catching colour something that draws peoples attention, make you seem important. People say that white and black goes with everything, so does red. Why not be out there, be bold be sexy, be red.

I love this colour of red it's not too bright but also not to under-stated.

Celebs with red nails:

Work the sexy look baby.


Water Designing

A lot of people have been asking me about the water design. For those of you who do not know what it is I will give you steps of how to do it and also tips I have.
The water design is simple to do and if done well will look very nice and creative, for this I would highly recommend using sellotape or wax of some kind unless you want to be cleaning nail polish off your fingers.

The one thing I will say is have nail polish remover before you do this otherwise you will have unwanted nail polish on you.


1. Get an ordinary cup or bowl and will it with cold water. ( I highly recommend using a cheap plastic one that you don't mind throwing away as the nail polish seems to get stuck on it alot)

2. Pick a couple different nail polish colours (I would say min 2 max 3-4)

3. Gently swirl around until the colours have intertwined ( You need to be gentle otherwise the nail polish will all join together and move to the side)

4. With your finger covered in sellotape or wax only exposing the nail dip your nail into the water then pull out.

5. Leave for a minute until the nail drys and remove the sellotape or wash off the wax.

6. Repeat process for each nail. ( The maximum usage you should get from each process is 2 nails if you get more great!)

I would really like to point out none of the nails will be the same design that is the whole point, your nails will look super cool and you will have a different unique style for each nail.

Now the one thing I really hate when trying to copy something that someone else has done is when they just give you steps but you don't really know how to do it or they aren't clear enough and you still don't really understand them and there is no visuals which is why I created a video, it wont work on here but if you would like to watch it then just tell me and I will try to email it to you.

This was my finished result:

I rushed it so the colours I picked may not have been the best but still shows how crazy the designs can turn out, I used 3 colours.


Black and Gold

My all time favourite thing to do when painting my nails is to mix it up make weird and funky designs or just any design that randomly pops into my head. I painted my nails black but then decided that it looked a bit too boring so I decided to do a random design in gold and ended up with this.

I do know that the nails do not match and that the lines are not perfect but I do not like perfection, I think that if your going to do a design it has to be something that is like you that shows your personality. I think I am crazy someone that you never know how is going to react and just random so when I do design that's what I aim for. If you are neat and precise in everyday life then you will see that your designs will end up like that. I love the combination of black and gold because I think it really stands out and makes people want to look at your nails. Like always I would recommend adding a clear coat on top just to make it stand out more and give it more of a shine. To me if you are going to do a design it cannot be perfect otherwise it is not creative. Be spontaneous.



When people think blue they think either baby blue,light blue or dark blue. Why Limit yourself!?
There is a whole range of blues that you could choose from and limiting yourself to only a couple may limit the choice when picking clothes. Just because you have a top that may go well with a blue nail polish doesn't mean every blue nail polish will suit you. If you don't like vibrant colours that's okay you don't have to because many different blue colours will suit you better. Sometimes when we pick a nail colour we base it on skin tone but that is not a good idea, just because you think it wont suit doesn't mean it wont, just try it!

Here is a chart I found which shows the different shades of blue, some you may b=never of heard of but get discovering because that top in the wardrobe that you don't think you can wear blue with, you most likely can.

My personal favourite is this deep vibrant blue that I am seen wearing quiet a lot.

I quite love this less vibrant but still as nice shade of blue.

Lastly, Clear Coat, When you have painted your nails always try to put a clear coat over the top it really makes your nails stand out and gives them more of a shine which makes them look even more amazing.


Pastel colours

This summer Pastel colours have proven to be very trendy and very fashionable, alot of the celebrities have been seen sporting it. Why? Pastel colours although more discrete can be used with almost every outfit and if you don't want to draw attention to to you nails and want eyes only on what your wearing these are the way to go. It means your nails still look fabulous without drawing attention away from your fashion centre whether it's jewellery or your clothing.

 Amber Heard with Pink Pastel Coloured Nails
 Rhianna with Blue Pastel Coloured Nails
Khloe Kardashian with Pink Pastel Coloured Nails
Beyonce with Pink and Green Pastel coloured Nails

Why not try Pastel colours? They look great with every outfit, and there's lots of different colours to choose from so your guaranteed to get a great colour to match your outfit, don't want to be stuck with one colour? Mix it up like beyonce choose 2 colours or even pain all your nails a different colour, because they are so delicate when you put them together they don't look too different so they still look amazing and not childish.
